jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Ant: Kisses on a plate (Single, 2011)

"Today's free MP3 is a lovely taster for a new album from ANT, formerly of Hefner. The track is Kisses on a Plate.The track is taken from The Birds Sing Goodnight To You And Me due out spring 2012 on We Were Never Being Boring collective (ITALY). Recorded by Antony Harding & Darren Hayman in Sweden and England, mixed by Darren Hayman. Featuring Antony Harding and Darren Hayman (Hefner) and James Milne (Cornershop).There's another track available on the site, Up on the Downs, an exclusive acoustic demo of another track from the new album, which was recorded and mixed by ANT at home in Sweden" (Lost: soundsxp.com)

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