viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Slow Animal: Summer´s goint to hurt (SIngle, 2011)

It’s been a hot minute since New Jersyan char-broiling Garage-Rock duo Slow Animal dropped any new tracks but today that allllll changed.
Announcing that the song will be a part of a compilation being released in the U.K. with Las Robertas, Warm Brains, and The Proper Ornaments, they also mentioned that it’ll be on their debut album being released in the Summer. Actually the last time we had any new music from them
was last October and even then the songs weren’t actually new, they were old songs getting their first play, but they still exhibited that jovial and unabashed approach they showed on their debut 7″ single “theFUNsun”.
The new song “Summer’s Going To Hurt” is heavier but equally as jubilant, raucous, bordering on the cray cray. Peep it out below and once they fix the download (you can download it but the song doesn’t actually work) then I’ll update the post with it (updated). (vía
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Oír-Descargar / Hear-Download: Slow Animal – “Summer’s Going To Hurt (Mp3)

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